Online conferentie watermolenbiotoop 5 maart

Online conferentie watermolenbiotoop 5 maart

03 maart 2025

Dear mill-lover,

Thank you for registering for the online conference on the Craft of the Miller on 5 March 2025 at 4:00 pm CET.

The topic of will be: ‘The problems with the watermill biotope’

The preservation of historic watermill landscapes and their watermills has been under pressure for decades. In the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive and the conservation of Natura 2000 areas, water mills are perceived as obstacles by water managers. The fact that watermill landscapes can also offer solutions to climate and nature issues is often not seen or denied. How can we interpret the historically developed cultural landscape and use it for current issues and preserve the mills and their function?


The program is:

  1. Hans de Mars, senior consultant Ecohydrology & Team coordinator Ecohydrology Royal Haskoning DHV

             Presentation about historical watermill landscapes; how to recognize and interpret them; how can one protect and use them?

The link about the watermill landscapes around The Collse watermill in The Netherlands. It is a preview of the presentation of Hans de Mars. So you can take a peek, already.
On the bottom of the screen you see the pic cc. You can choose subtitles English here. Also you can use transcript.

  1. Susanne Jervelund, chair of the Danish Mill Society (Dansk Møllerforening)

             The problems that the Dansk Møllerforening and the Danish watermill owners are facing with the European Water Framework Directive and the Nature 2000 areas.

  1. Alisa Crawford, wind- and watermiller in the U.S.A.   

             Promotion of the teaching materials about watermills from the Gilde of Millers (NL) training.

The link is:

Tijd: 5 mrt 2025 16:00 Amsterdam

Deelnemen aan Zoom-vergadering

Vergadering-ID: 853 4553 7574

Wachtwoord: 460533

The link can also be found on Online International Conference on the Craft of the Miller – De Hollandsche Molen. Feel free to pass this email on and help us to expand this international mill network.

On behalf of the steering group,

Nicole Bakker,

director De Hollandsche Molen.